regenerative medicine

Regenerative medicine is the biological process of replacing, repairing and regenerating human cells and tissues to restore proper function lost due to aging, disease and damage. It is used to facilitate healing. Regenerative medicine injections help target damaged tissue and deliver healing growth factors precisely where they will be most effective.

Components found in Placenta Tissue:

Proteins: Required for the structure, function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. Proteins help repair tissues and allow metabolic reactions to occur. Some proteins are chemical messengers between cells, tissues and organs while others provide structure and support.

Collagens: Strong and flexible, collagens provide structure throughout the body, especially in the skin, bones and connective tissues. They play a role in replacing and restoring dead skin cells, healing and providing a platform for new tissue growth in wounds.

Cytokines: These molecules serve as messengers between cells, mediating and regulating immunity, inflammation and hematopoiesis. They stimulate the production of blood cells and provide growth and differentiation factions that function in development, tissue maintenance and repair.

Growth Factors: Regulate cell division and cell survival to stimulate the growth of a specific tissue.

Chemical messengers comprised of growth factors and cytokines enhance the body’s natural ability to heal and regenerate. In addition, collagens, proteins, hyaluronic acids, and peptides assist in harnessing the body’s power of true healing.

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